ATM Group Takaful Scheme

Enjoy 24-hour worldwide protection, covering death due to accident, illness, or other causes,
and disability from accidents, whether on-duty or off-duty.

Manager & Operator
Manager : Koperasi Angkatan Tentera Malaysia Berhad (KATMB)
Operator :Great Eastern Takaful Berhad (GETB)
Concept & History
Concept : Group Term Takaful
History : Introduced in 1987
Open to all regular members of Armed Forces of Malaysia, Civilian Employees of the Ministry of Defence, spouse of eligible members and the member of approved Agencies by Koperasi Angkatan Tentera Malaysia Berhad (KATMB) and the takaful operator.
Scope of Coverage

24-hour protection worldwide (excluding non-recognized country by Malaysia) whether in duty or off-duty which covers death due to accident, illness or other causes and disability caused by accident (subject to the Master Certificate terms and conditions).

Concept of Shariah Compliant.

Comprehensive 24-hour worldwide coverage for you and your family

Secure Your Peace of Mind