Koperasi Tentera
Fees Financing
Consolidate your Koperasi Tentera fees with ease!
From RM600 to a maximum of RM100,000 or 90%
From 6 months to a maximum of 120 months
4.00% per annum
3 working days
Affordable Financing Tailored to You
Unlock Your Financial Potential
This financing option is between RM600 and RM100,000 and offers four days of
approval. The processing period is completed within four working days.
Cumulative fees serve as collateral (Ar-Rahnu concept). New members require at
least six months of monthly payments, while re-entering members need 12 months,
with confirmed membership for the same period.
- For financing of up to RM15,000 :RM30 per month
- For financing of RM15,001 and above : RM40 per month
- New financing: RM10.00
- Overlap financing: RM50.00
- Stamp duty: RM5 per one thousand ringgit or part thereof
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*Subject to Terms and Conditions
Note: For more information visit the nearest Koperasi Tentera branch or contact KT Customer Care Centre at 03-2303 0000.